About Me

A place to breathe.

At a young age, I learned how to become an expert at reading body language, reading faces and tonality.  As an excellent people reader, I used this tool to keep myself safe, try to get out of problem, and to hide who I was.  The older I became, the bigger the problems, the more I lost myself.  The more I lost myself, the more shame, rage and hate I felt for myself and others.

From childhood bullying, sticky divorce, bullied as an adult, to getting sick. I finally said, “Enough is enough.” And I chose to make a change.

Tired of playing the victim and keeping silent. Believing that everyone was more powerful than me.  Tired to being ashamed and sacrificing who I was to make others happy.  Tired of searching for happiness outside of myself.  Tired of burying sad and hurt feelings so deep that I masked them.

I took charge of my life and I discovered that all along, it was an illusion that I was a victim.  All along I HAD CHOICE.

There is no reason why you cannot make the choice to be who you want to and to be where you want to be.

At the beginning of this journey, I didn’t have a mentor to guide me through these life challenges.  So, it took a long time, in fact years to discover my personal power and start using my voice.  It was painful and hard and challenging.  And now after learning and practicing these effective tools, my new normal has drastically changed.

Empowerment, simplicity and truth are important values in my work.  My intention is to empower you with simple tools, mentorship and higher guidance to help you to release what no longer serves you.

Allowing you to come back into your heart.  


"Before I worked with Arlene Pe Benito, I couldn't figure out why no matter what or how hard I tired, I could not get the results I wanted. During the process, I learned what was holding me back, and she helped me discover the tools to create the life I want.  The entire experience was very eye opening and powerful.  I only wish I had done it sooner! And now I know what was holding me back, how to change it, and that I had the answers all along.  She is an amazing coach, and will work very hard to make sure you achieve your BEST YOU."


"When I first worked with Arlene I was unsure of the direction my career was taking me and was actively avoiding risks. Arlene Demonstrated compassion mixed with confidence in my success and has provided me with a clear direction and the capacity to engage with change to achieve it. I recommend that anyone seeking clarity in purpose and awareness of the resources available to them should work with Arlene.  The time spent will be invaluable in your quest for excellence."


"Before attending the Accelerated Krasner Hypnotherapy Training Course I was unaware of all the amazing things the unconscious mind can do.  While at the training I received many mind opening insights and I'm HAPPY and EXCITED and READY to share. My advice to those thinking go taking the training is to have fun!  You will not regret it!"


"I received my Higher Self Reading from Arlene and it was like a breath of fresh air. It helped me to target my needs and quiet the storm. I was a little reluctant to get my reading done.. why?! I’m not too sure. Maybe fear of the unknown or fear of change. But I’m glad I got it done! If you need guidance or clarity in life or just a simple affirmation to know you are heading in the right path, I would encourage you to get this reading done. Thank you again Arlene."

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